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Using ICT to Explore and Investigate

A.    What is Use ICT to Explore and investigate Text ?
It is a natural desire of the English teacher to want students to explore texts and to help them in doing so. Although there is a crucial and too often neglected place in every classroom for reading or listeningor viewing a text for its own simple pleasure, we know that there is, equally often, a desire or a need to look more closely to explore, to investigate – to look beneath the surface.
‘Explore’ and ‘investigate’ are terms so close to each other such that they are sometimes indistinguishable, but the distinction is worth bearing mind. When we, as teachers, want students to explore a text, we are not setting a specific task. We arehoping that in their exploration they will discover things of interest in the same way that an explorer may discover a lake or a mountain or merely an unusual species of goat. When we ask them to investigate, we have somethingmore precise in mind: there is more of the detective about it, than the explorer. The student, indeed, may be looking for clues, for evidence.Can not be denied, which the computer is no longer a frequently encountered. Computers have been used in a variety of occupations, including in the learning. We can use ICT in learning by made intresting word format in ppt or any word processor to save the time preparing the material
We using it to make the student more interest in the learning.

B.     Why We Use ICT in Exploration and Ivestigation Text?
Make the learning more fun and interestingfor the student by using ict , we can do it by traditional way but is’t take mch more time to prepare like find the text ,make foto copy of the text  ect, if we use ict we can save more tieme we can finde tehe text in internet whit more variatif  kind of text and we can make more interestingexample for the sudent like moving text ect, is make the student more active in class and teacher studen interaction will happen.
ICT can support the optimization of the school, because of the potential of ICT is quite large, including :
1.     Expanding learning opportunities.
2.     Improve efficiency.
3.     Improving the quality of learning.
4.     Improving the quality of teaching.
5.     Facilitate the formation of skills.
6.     Encouraging sustainable lifelong learning.
7.     Improve management policy planning.
8.     Reducing the digital divide
The use of ICT for learning applies where ICT is used as a medium for:
Ø Finding and accessing information from the Internet.
Ø Saw a demonstration of something in the order of events with the software and hardware

C.    How We Use ICT in Exploration and Investigation?
1.            Exploring And Investegating Writting Text
a.            Sequencing
One simple and popular means of investigating a text is to de-sequance it and ask the student to re sequence it. Anyone who has undertaken this using small pices of paper or card will understand the disadvantages. As well as incovenience during and after lesson, this activity requires a fair amount of preparation and do away with the most common  in class difficulties.
Taking a good poem or song as an example, we can create an almost instant lesson once we have the text in electronic format .

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky


Like a diamond in the sky
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

b.            Hidden Words
Curiostity is a powerful motivator, puzzles are more popular than problems; quizzes more so than tests. ICT allows these factors to be utilized for pedagogical purpose in innovative ways. For example, what would be more engaging, a text where you could see every word (and perhaps be immediately turned off or discourged) or one which hid its nature from you until you revealed it?
Interactive whiteboard software has features which allow you to hide parts of whatever is displayed, be it text or image. Such features as the spotlight (showing only whatever you ‘shine’ the spotlight on) or the blinds (hiding sections of the screen from top, bottom, or side) can be used in this way.
Alternatively, mystery text can be created with your word processor by making all or some of the words disappear.

Example :
Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach
Last week my ............. (1) were bored after ........... (2), so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live ........ (3) at the beach, we ........... (4) to see there was hardly anyone there.

After having a quick dip in the ocean, which ......... (5), we realized one ......... (6)  not many people there. It was ........... (7). After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our ............... (8) for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we ........... (9) down the beach.

1.       Were many miles
2.       Bikes down the beach
3.       Also quite windy
4.       Was really cold
5.       When we arrived
6.       Friend and I
7.       Three weeks of holidays
8.       Were surprised
9.       Reason there were

The Answer
Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

After having a quick dip in the ocean, which
 was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It wasalso quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

Unlike cloze passages (where words are omitted from the text) these words can be made to reappear at will, simply by double-clicking on them and changing the font colour to black (or any other colour)
A completly hidden mystery text is, in many ways, more intersting and offers more opportunities for languange work or literary investigation than a partially or largely revealed one.

2.            Exploring and Investigating Images
ICT does not justnafford us opportunities to explore and investigate texts. Is enables us to explore visual communications and combinations of visual, audio and print
a.            Picture Wall
Using a technique similar to that employed in mystery texts we can hide and reveal sections of a picture, a magazine page or a book cover, to take some obvious examples.
Create a table in word with cells of a reasonable size, say 2.5 cm squares. Select the whole table and then go to Table Properties and choose Borders and Shading. Choose a colour and apply it.
To reveal the pictures behind that section, you will need to ‘uncover’ it. Rather than go to Table Properties and click through several dialogue boxes, make the Tables and Borders toolbar visible (View > Toolbars > Tables and toolbars). This will enable you to simply click on the Fill icon and select No Fill. Cells can be uncovered in whichever order you wish.


3.            Exploring and Investigating The Spoken Word

a.            Exploring and investigating together
In this section we can use Ict to investigate sopoken word by using facebook or another media social , teacher and student can make a grup chat using media social and discus a meaning of asong, poem,or drama text that we can finde in wikipedia youtube of key factor teacher must know the student identities.

D.    Conclusion
We know that ict is a powerful toll in the hands of both student and teacher.a word processor can be employed to do more than type and correct spellingg,we can provoke analysis and discussion.and we canoffer students the means of systematically investigating spoken language and visual images.
Is should be clear that ict offers an enormousn range of possibilities for studens and teachers to explore and investigate texts of all kinds.


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